Thursday, 27 November 2008

Wrist candy for the boys!?!

You only have to glance around as you’re walking down the street to see that jewellery is very quickly becoming the new must have accessory for men. Like every new trend though – get it wrong and you’ll end up looking like Mr T or worse still – become a laughing stock!?!

So what amount of jewellery is acceptable to wear??

1. When it comes to rings – less is most definitely more, unless you’re Fat Tony of course!?! Keep things simple with a wedding band or a no frills alternative and you won’t go far wrong. The same rule applies to wrist chains and necklaces – simple and understated will look far classier than the tacky playboy pendant!!!

2. There is no way to sugar coat this – earrings on men are just bad!!! The earring went out of fashion in the mid nineties and no matter who you are or how many diamonds you have encrusted into your earlobe – you will still look like an idiot wearing an earring!?!

3. More and more shirts are now being designed with cufflink holes instead of buttons, offering a great opportunity to add a little touch of your own personality to your outfit.
Paul Smith has a great selection of quirky and fun cufflinks in his latest collection all designed to help show off the more tongue in cheek side of your personality, whilst still oozing class and style.

4. A good watch is essential wrist candy for any man and can say a lot about you to the trained observer. A quality timepiece will tell the world you have good taste without you having to say a single word!! You invest in a fine watch for how it makes you feel each time you glance at it during the day – if each look fills you with pride then you can be sure you are wearing a great watch!!! The latest collection by
Ted Baker offers some great timepieces that exude elegance by the very simplicity of their design and for that reason will never date.

Ultimately, it will remain up to the wearer just how much or little jewellery to put on, and for some men shiny metal will always have an appeal!!! Choosing the right
accessories for you needn’t be complicated, and if you pick something that fits the rest of your wardrobe and suits your sense of style – you can’t go far wrong!?!

If you need some inspiration, why not check out our
website at – Mr T need not apply!?!
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